
---- Transmitter Code ----

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#include <SPI.h> //the communication interface with the modem

#include "RF24.h" //the library which helps us to control the radio modem

int msg[1];

//define the flex sensor input pins

int flex_5 = A5;

int flex_4 = A4;

int flex_3 = A3;

int flex_2 = A2;

int flex_1 = A1;

//define variables for flex sensor values

int flex_5_val;

int flex_4_val;

int flex_3_val;

int flex_2_val;

int flex_1_val;

RF24 radio(5,10); //5 and 10 are a digital pin numbers to which signals CE and CSN are connected.


const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; //the address of the modem, that will receive data from Arduino.

void setup(void){


  radio.begin(); //it activates the modem.

  radio.openWritingPipe(pipe); //sets the address of the receiver to which the program will send data.


void loop(){

  flex_5_val = analogRead(flex_5); 

                             //175 - 0

  flex_5_val = map(flex_5_val, 1023, 0, 0, 10);

  msg[0] = flex_5_val;

  radio.write(msg, 1);

  flex_4_val = analogRead(flex_4);

                             //175 - 0

  flex_4_val = map(flex_4_val, 1023, 0, 11, 20);

  msg[0] = flex_4_val;

  radio.write(msg, 1);

  flex_3_val = analogRead(flex_3);

                             //175 - 0

  flex_3_val = map(flex_3_val, 1023, 0, 21, 30);

  msg[0] = flex_3_val;

  radio.write(msg, 1);

  flex_2_val = analogRead(flex_2);

                             //175 - 0

  flex_2_val = map(flex_2_val, 1023, 0, 31, 40);

  msg[0] = flex_2_val;

  radio.write(msg, 1);

  flex_1_val = analogRead(flex_1);

                             //175 - 0

  flex_1_val = map(flex_1_val, 1023, 0, 41, 50);

  msg[0] = flex_1_val;

  radio.write(msg, 1);



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